Losing Control

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I’m tired of my stomach clutching up every time there are glitches in communication with those around me.

I can sense turmoil, chaos and conflict a mile away. And for whatever reasons past or present, I hate it and feel this immediate need to control and orchestrate everyone around me reach the desired outcome.

The spinning plates. The juggling balls. The overflowing day planner.

We call it losing control—that fighting tooth and nail to be in control of everything and everyone around us.

Looking over everyone’s shoulder. Fighting off offense. Wrestling with fear and worry.

That. Is. A. Heavy. Load.

Instead. I want to lose control like I lose my thoughts sometimes. Gone. Lost. Nowhere to be found.

I don’t want to go hunting for it. I don’t want to fight for it. I don’t want to scramble for it.

I want to lose it.

And instead find peace by allowing God to take control.

He sees the beginning from the end. He made me. And the entire universe. He heals and raises from the dead. He is able. He is bigger.

He can handle what I cannot even begin to understand.(tweet this) I just need to keep my eyes on Him. Let Him take the lead. Let Him take control. I’ll follow. By God’s strength I will follow. 

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                 on a Journey to Trust Link-up. (Tweet this.)               

About Angela D. Meyer

Angela D. Meyer writes fiction that showcases God’s ability to redeem and restore the brokenness in our lives. She is the author of This Side of Yesterday, The Jukebox Cafe (a part of Hope is Born: A Mosaic Christmas Anthology) and the Applewood Hill series. Angela is a member of American Christian Fiction Authors and has served on the leadership team of her local writers’ group, Wordsowers. Angela currently lives in NE with her husband. They have two children, both of whom they homeschooled and graduated. Lucy, a green eyed, orange tabby, who loves popcorn rounds out their family. Angela enjoys sunrises and sunsets, the ocean when she gets a chance to visit, and hopes to ride in a hot air balloon someday.

1 comment on “Losing Control

  1. This is so good! Being a Military spouse, I've had to give up any sense of being in, or feeling like I'm in control. Everything revolves around Air Force needs, for the most part, and I've learned how to roll through some pretty strong, would-be destructive punches if I didn't just throw everything up, and give it all to God. The greatest time I experienced this was while in Japan, with a 3 month old Judah. 20 hours after my husband deployed Japan was rocked by a massive earth quake. I didn't know if my husband had made it out of the airport near Tokyo that was hit. I watched it all live on the news as we had a massive tsunami warning for a height that would have covered our little island, completely, if it hit us. I had no communication from my husband for a couple days, and the process for getting my baby's birth certificate was slowed by annoying new regulations and international guideline changes. We had family on a cruise right where the tsunami was projected to go on their way for a short visit with the kids and I, and my mom was flying through a high radiation area to come help me for a few weeks. I was so aware of all the burdened responsibilities I had, and I had no choice but to throw it all up to God as I thrust my hands up in the air to reach out to Him to please help. It all shook the very foundation of my life and the security of my family and I. I took the opportunity to talk with my kids about trusting in Jesus. I made it through to the other side of the chaos and unknown future. God has been so Good to take control and guide me through some pretty scary, hard to walk through, places. He is completely Trustworthy with every detail of our lives, plans, and futures.

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