
I have to be the first to admit, I don’t like to stop. I feel guilty if I’m not making good use of my time. There is so much to do and no one else is getting it done (or so I tell myself). When I don’t stop and rest, burnout is sure to follow. […]

Stealing from God

The children of Israel crossed over Jordan and defeated Jericho. They made their way to Ai. Spies were sent out and determined that only three thousand men were needed to capture the city. They were defeated. Joshua cries out to God for answers and learns that the people have disobeyed. At Jericho, God gave the […]

The Eager Prophet

Moses said, “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” Exodus 3:11 (NIV) He continued to offer excuse after excuse for the job God sent him on. Jonah ran in the opposite direction from God’s mission for him. Reluctant at best to do what God called them […]

Crossing Jordan

Now the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest. Yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water’s edge, the water from upstream stopped flowing. It piled up in a heap a great distance away…The priests who carried the ark of the covenant of […]


…if my people, who are called by my name,  will humble themselves and pray and seek  my face and turn from their wicked ways,  then will I hear from heaven and will  forgive their sin and will heal their land.   II Chronicles 7:14 When we choose HIS way             Above our own When we […]

Nothing to Fear

My mom is almost 80 years old. I can only imagine the changes she has seen in her life time. Technology has grown exponentially. It’s no wonder that many nearing their 100th year may have no interest in learning how to use a computer or getting a Facebook account. I might be saying “enough changes […]


 Nearly half the country is experiencing drought right now. If you drive by any farm it’s easy to see. The corn is dried up. The ground is dry. Other crops are failing, too. If you could be a fly on the wall inside the homes of farmers, you would hear the concerns over how they […]

Root Systems

The roots of the sequoia tree are found no deeper than 6 feet, but they spread for more than 150 feet. This system supports a tree that stands as tall as 250-300 feet – that’s 25 stories high. One tree can weigh 12 million pounds – that’s how much a small ocean freighter weighs. For […]


A few years ago, my family moved to our current residence.  It was not a comfortable move. It was a God directed move.  We moved to a different state into a much smaller house. In the interest of being able to fit our things onto one moving truck and then into our new house – […]

The Bride Divided

Unforgiven offenses within the church lead to division of one sort or another, whether it’s a church split or simply separating oneself from one another within the body, or walking away altogether. Believers have a tug of war over who is right and who is wrong, determined to be the one left standing. Sometimes it […]