My Writing Day

So what does writing look like at my house? There was a recent post on Facebook that I have to admit is an accurate description of my start. “The definition of a writer: A peculiar organism capable of turning caffeine into books.” Once my brain is satisfactorily stimulated with caffeine, I can actually focus. My aim is to […]

All Things Writing

Welcome to my new Story posts! On Fridays I will share writing tips, prompts and story games. If it has to do with writing, it just might show up here. In the future, expect to see an opportunity to share your own short story. I have also created a Story Page where I will post […]

I Just Wanted to Write a Book!

Welcome to my new Monday posts “Behind the Scenes”. A day in the life of this writer. Think of it as tea time. I’ll share a bit about me and hopefully, you will share something about you as we get to know each other. I will also be sharing insider information about the creation of […]

Conflict is Not a Bad Thing

An Observation on Writing and Life Without conflict there would be no story. Give me a show of hands if you enjoy a story that just strolls along with nary an argument or obstacle to overcome. You are the exception. Look at the books that sell. In story we love a good conflict. The thrill […]

Life is Full of Characters

And the best ones are a bit complicated. As an author, I don’t want to create characters that are flat because you would put my book down after the first few pages.   Imperfections and flaws make you care about those characters. They have issues and you want to know how they work it out. […]