God’s Math

One plus one equals two. Two plus five equals seven. Simple math.

God’s economy works a bit differently.

In Mark 6:30-44, we read about Jesus crossing over the lake with his disciples in order to be alone with them. A bit of rest, one on one training time. But when they arrived on the other side, a large crowd waited for Him. Compassion filled him and he began teaching.
Well into the day, his disciples’ stomachs began to growl. I can just see them huddled together discussing the problem. I can only imagine, weary disciples, disappointed that a crowd interrupted their plans to be alone with the Jesus, hoping that it was time to tell the people goodbye. They finally elected someone to approach Jesus. “It’s time to eat. Should we send them away to find food?”
But Jesus has a big heart. He told the disciples, “Feed them.”
Perhaps at this point Judas stepped forward. After all, he took care of the money.
“How will we feed this crowd, Jesus? Don’t you realize, it would take eight month’s pay to feed them all?”
But Jesus already knew what would happen. “Go find out how much food there is.”
The disciples spread out through a crowd of 5,000 men (plus women and children) searching for food. “Listen up, everyone. We’re trying to put together a picnic here. Who has any food?”
Finally, they found one little boy with five loaves of bread and two fishes. I’m sure Jesus smiled at the young boy, perhaps place a hand on his head in blessing. Then he told his disciples to organize the crowd into groups of 50 and 100.
He took the offered food and blessed it, gave it to his disciples and told them to pass it out.
The disciples saw Jesus heal the sick, make the lame walk, the deaf hear, the blind see and raised the dead. I like to think the disciples got excited at this point as they stepped forward to accept portions of the bread then head out into the crowd. Their master was at it again. Amazing.
And when all was said and done, there were twelve basket of food left over. More than enough.
And definitely not simple math.
God’s economy is always better than what the world has to offer. He takes what we give and multiplies it to meet our needs.
Not only with the physical, but with our emotional needs as well. There have been many times when I have had a headache or been completely out of energy, but I’ve gone ahead with ministry or service when what I really wanted was to go home. And by the time I completed my task, the headache is gone, I haven’t thought about the aches and pains and I am energized.
He will multiply our offerings in all areas of our lives when we offer what we have to him. He fed 5,000 men plus women and children with just 5 loaves and 2 fishes. Imagine what He can do with what we give to Him.  
Where have you seen God’s provision in your life, where the economy of heaven overrode the economy of this life?

About Angela D. Meyer

Angela D. Meyer writes fiction that showcases God’s ability to redeem and restore the brokenness in our lives. She is the author of This Side of Yesterday, The Jukebox Cafe (a part of Hope is Born: A Mosaic Christmas Anthology) and the Applewood Hill series. Angela is a member of American Christian Fiction Authors and has served on the leadership team of her local writers’ group, Wordsowers. Angela currently lives in NE with her husband. They have two children, both of whom they homeschooled and graduated. Lucy, a green eyed, orange tabby, who loves popcorn rounds out their family. Angela enjoys sunrises and sunsets, the ocean when she gets a chance to visit, and hopes to ride in a hot air balloon someday.

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