F is for Forgiven

I mess up more than I like to admit. My gut twists into a knot when I do something incorrectly. I’m not even talking sinful stuff, just not doing something the way others like it done. (So why am I writing a blog?!) I fear rejection if I don’t do things perfectly. I know in […]

E is for Extravagance

Exceeding the limits of reason or necessity; lacking in moderation, balance, and restraint; extremely or excessively elaborate; spending much more than necessary; profuse; unreasonably high in price (according to Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary) In my mind it is most often attached to the effort to attain personal desires to spend on oneself beyond the limits […]

D is for Detox

I feel better when I load up on fruits and vegies and stay away from starches and sugar. Too much sugar and my joints ache, I’m moody and I don’t sleep well. So, why do I put myself through it?  It’s time for some detox even though it doesn’t always feel good at first. I […]

C is for Cost

David, the greatest king in Israel’s history refused to offer up to God a burnt offering which he never paid for. (II Samuel 24:24). Now, we’re not talking burnt offering on my blog, but we are talking about giving a part of ourselves that perhaps we have kept tucked away in a box until now. […]

B is for Boxes

I have a box I keep growing up memories in. Another box I keep married life memories in. And yet another I keep baby memories in. Boxes help organize things. Contain things. That’s okay when we deal with stuff.  But sometimes we try to contain our life. Keep it safe. “What will people think?” keeps us from […]

A is for Alabaster Life

A Life Lived Outside the Box The woman carried a beautiful jar, made from a type of almost transparent marble. It was filled with spikenard perfume. A perfume that would cost a man almost a year’s wages. The prized possession of an ordinary woman. She walked into the room uninvited and every eye watched her […]