P is for Pet Peeve

I have a pet. His name is peeve. Would you like to meet him? The ice trays left empty after the ice is used up. Grrr. (My pet likes to growl) Dishes left piled in the sink, when everyone is capable of at least rinsing and putting them in the dishwasher. (Yap! Yap!) The toilet […]

O is for Organic Christian

This is not a new item at the health food store. Nor is it a Christian who is into recycling. According to Dictionary.com one of the meanings of organic is “developing naturally” For example, the hashtag in Twitter developed organically. It wasn’t something someone in the company set forth as a rule of operation forced […]

N is for New

Did you know that there is a company that takes old coffee grounds and makes FABRIC? (if in doubt, check it out for yourself  http://gizmodo.com/5309082/s-cafe-shirts-are-made-from-coffee-grounds) CD’s, DVD’s and their cases are turned into office equipment, streetlights, and automotive parts! Steel cans your food comes in can be turned into more cans or fire hydrants, bridges, […]

M is for Muddled Mind

I know my brain is muddled when I look at the screen for an hour, look at this note or that and still can’t figure out what in the world I’m supposed to be doing. I had a general list for this A to Z challenge, with the focus being to live life outside the […]

L is for Laughing

One of my most asked questions growing up (I think I have my grandma to thank!) ? What if…? What if I mess up? What if the ball rolls into the street and a car comes along and I can’t get out of the way? You get the idea. Makes for a pretty serious perspective. […]

K is for Karaoke

As I begin this journey to being a published author, it is easy to look at this or that author already published and think if I just did what they’re doing, wrote the way they wrote, success would be sure to follow or come more quickly. While we do tend to emulate things we like […]

J is for Joy

We were on vacation, on our way to Colorado. My husband and I along with our 4 year old son. We were pregnant with our third child. We miscarried our second child in the first trimester. And now in the middle of Kansas on the way to the mountains, I began to show signs of […]

I is for Interruptions

In my dreams, I get up early every morning. After devotionals I fix a full breakfast for my kids, then we finish all the chores before homeschool.  My son works diligently on his assignments and my daughter focuses her attention on my instructions (which are stellar productions) and completes her work in a timely fashion.  […]

H is for Here

I find it hard at times to enjoy all that my life entails. Life is generally good, but there doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to get things done. When I’m doing the dishes, I find myself resenting the chores because I need to be spending more time with my kids. When […]

G is for Giving

I want to live outside of the box. Give an extravagant gift to the Lord of the universe.  Not because I could ever repay Him or earn His affections, but because I love Him and He is worthy. But my agenda seems to be set for me when I get up in the mornings.  My […]